Do you have studio/master accounts?

Do you operate a studio managing multiple Creators?

MV doesn't natively support studio or master accounts. Creator accounts must be in the name of the performer featured in the content, unless you have a Producer account. (See What Creator account type is right for me? for more info!)

However, Creators on MV are allowed name beneficiaries for their payouts. You can have your Creators sign up for accounts individually in their own name, and then name the studio account as a payout beneficiary. Please note that we may require extra identity verification before we can issue payouts to beneficiary accounts.

NOTE: It is expressly prohibited to operate an MV account if you are not the owner of said MV account. If a Creator loses control of an account or leaves the industry, the account must be closed.

If you're reading to begin signing your Creators up, just follow the steps here: How do I create a Creator account?

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