Live Private Shows

Want to earn tokens and spend intimate time with your adoring fans? Invite them to a Live Private Show for their eyes only!

A Private Show is when you go one-on-one with a lucky fan during an Live show. In order for them to get your undivided attention they will have to make it worth your while, so members will need to pay in tokens by the second during your private session.

To offer private shows during Live: 

  • Click "Private" under settings: 
  • Toggle "Allow Private Requests" on: 
  • Specify the Cost Per Minute in tokens (tokens pay out at $0.08 each): 
  • Click APPLY and you're all set!

Now your fans can offer to take you private! You can accept or decline the offer, and you can set the cost of your private show as you like (click here for more info). 

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