Edit Vids Page - Title, Description and Details

Once you click on <LAUNCH> You will be taken into the Edit page where you can set up your newly uploaded vid to attract the right audience!

From here you can add the Title of your vid, an enticing Description, and you can see the technical Details of the vid you just uploaded:


Here you can add an eye catching title so your vid can easily be found. You can add a few keywords that best represent your vid so they can be pulled up when members do a search in the search bar. 


Add a summary of what members will expect to see from your vid. You can be as detailed or as mysterious as you like. The search feature will also scan words that you use in the description to pull up whenever a search is made on the site.

Please note: While we encourage creativity, you cannot use forbidden terms in your Title or Description for safety reasons. To find out more, click here.


Here you’ll find some technical specs that the site has determined based off of the vid you’ve uploaded. This will be displayed in your vid’s page.

Co-performer Confirmation

You will need to confirm if the vid uploaded features performers other than yourself! Just click on the proper selection in this area:

You can find out more about our co-performer requirement in Edit Vids Page - Co-performer Declaration

Please note: Any changes made to the vid's information  (such as title, description, pricing, etc.) on older vids will prompt to have you make a selection on whether or not there are any co-performers in the vid. You can visit our guide on how to do that here!

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Should you have any questions, don't be shy and reach out to us by emailing help@manyvids.com!

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