Getting Started on MV


How does verification work?
Want to know how to get verified as a Creator?
What types of content can I put on ManyVids?
The quick answer is whatever you want! Your genius and talent will always be appreciated here! We welcome encourage vids of any genre for all types of creators. On MV adult entertainment can be found next to vlogs, makeup tutorial, music video, a...
What do I need to know to shoot content with my phone?
Tips for filming with your smart phone!
Do I have to go out and buy a bunch of fancy equipment?
Unsure of what equipment you need to start filming content, we've got it covered here!
Do I have to buy a new phone to shoot with or a computer to edit with?
If you have a very old smartphone or no smartphone and you want to watch your budget then a used or refurbished phone should work great, try to get a model that came out in the last 16 months and check the camera specs before buying it.   ...
Can I film using a desktop computer or laptop?
Useful tips for those Creators who want to film content with a desktop or laptop.
Should I think about buying a camera?
Investing in a camera can be a great career move. You don’t need it to get started, but you can always start shooting on a phone and reinvest your earnings to upgrade to a better camera. You can get a decent camera to film your vids in the ra...
Tips for lighting and audio
These too are important aspects of creating successful content! And truly, to achieve the best result, you need to consider lighting. You can shoot close to window taking advantage of the natural light, but getting lighting gear to have more contro...
Does ManyVids set a price for my vids?
You set your own price on MV!
How long should my vids be?
Tips on how long to make your vid content.
What advice do you have for editing?
You can edit on a phone or tablet but if you have a relatively fast computer you may want to use that for editing your masterpiece: To do so you must transfer the vid files from your cellphone or camera to your computer and load them into the editi...
Is there anything else I should consider when filming my content?
Yes, we have a few tips that apply to any shoot. The first is to try to stabilize your shot using a tripod or placing your cellphone or camera on a solid surface like a table. Next is to be always be careful of your framing: avoid crooked framing a...
I want to get my pricing just right. Do you have any tips?
A few tips for setting your vid pricing!
Should all my vids be in the same price range?
How to set a price range for your vids.
Once I set the price for a vid is it locked in?
Once I set my vid price, can I change it later?

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