You can explore ManyVids through the top menu options. Let's look at 2 popular menu options: Vids and Creators.
In the left menu, click on "Vids":
This leads to the vids search page, automatically displaying the newest vids.
You can also go directly to the Advanced Search page by clicking "Advanced Search" in the top right corner of the Popular Vids page!
Vids - Advanced Search
On the Advanced Search page, you can filter with tags from the Category tool on the left (on mobile, use the pink funnel icon in the lower right corner to open up the filter).
With your filters set up, you can sort your results from the options in the top right corner. The default sort is "Newest Vids" at the top. You can also expand or collapse the filter menu, using the pink funnel icon located beside the sort options.
To explore ManyVids' content creators, click Creators.
This leads to the Creators homepage! In the top sub-menu on the left, you can toggle between different categories of Creator: MV Girls, MV Trans, MV Boys and Producers. The number in brackets indicates how many Creators are there to discover in each upload category.
Creators are sorted by default according to their MV Score, which is based on earnings and activity within the last 45 days. You can change the sort order from the top right menu.
Want to further refine your results? The pink funnel icon expands and collapses filter options to refine your search results.
Click on any Creator's avatar to visit their profile page, and see what they have to offer!